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Conférence sécurité en entreprise


Develop a culture of safety

Corporate security conference


An interactive conference to discover and appropriate essential and often counter-intuitive principles to foster the development of a shared safety culture.


Why a conference on corporate security?

While the technical aspects facilitating a safety culture have received a great deal of attention in recent years, there is still considerable room for improvement when it comes to the "human factor": 96% of accidents are caused by human or organizational factors. (Problems with the reliability of "equipment" now account for only 4% of occupational accidents).


We have been working on safety issues for many years with industrial groups such as EDF, Bouygues Construction, Eiffage and Vinci, as well as with reference organizations such as ETSCAF, with whom we have co-constructed this service.


People don't put themselves at risk for the sake of it, or because they act irrationally. Quite often, they bypass safety rules in order to meet the dual performance injunction to work both fast and well.


We often unconsciously underestimate the reality of risk. Contributing to the development of a safety culture means first and foremost working on perceptions. By seeking out the constraints, beliefs and perceptions that lead to inappropriate actions, we can use our questioning and curiosity to put in place genuinely corrective measures.


In a playful, participative way, we invite you to discover how these perceptual traps work, and how to learn to thwart them.


The most effective way to avoid repeating unsafe behavior is to eliminate the conditions that produced it in the first place. We believe we can help.

  • How can we combat organizational silence?

  • How can we encourage feedback when procedures have not been followed?

  • Why is it that the expertise of those involved, or satisfactory accident rates, can paradoxically turn out to be major risk factors for the team?

  • How can we foster the development of a culture that is fair, equitable and understood by all, and which recognizes the right to make mistakes?

  • Understand the powerful link between perception and behavior.

  • Discover the three attentional keys that enable us to apply reliability practices more spontaneously.

  • Realize that informal exchanges contribute to building a safety culture.

  • Understand that being exemplary doesn't just mean complying with the rules: it also means showing curiosity and enthusiasm in communicating our safety culture.

  • Be convinced that every accident is avoidable. They are never inevitable.

  • Recognize why everyone's contribution is essential, to encourage a climate of trust between employees and managers.


Cette conférence a pour ambition d’aborder de manière ludique ces sujets sérieux et importants, avec la conviction que nous pouvons tenir un discours impactant dans la bonne humeur et le plaisir partagé.


Chacun des concepts sera d’abord expérimenté par les participants grâce à des jeux de communication, des expériences interactives et des illusions permettant d’explorer les concepts clés de notre pédagogie.


La culture de la sécurité doit se vivre en permanence et n’est jamais négociée : notre qualité de présence et notre envie de contribuer peuvent rendre nos environnements de travail plus sûrs, mais aussi, nous en sommes convaincus, plus intéressants pour chacun d’entre nous.

#SafetyCulture #TeamManagement #ChangeManagement #CHSCT #CorporateLearning

Image de Andrei Stratu


  • Psycho-illusion © is a discipline apart in the world of illusion, which obeys different rules from those of prestidigitators.

  • In psycho-illusion ©, the artist relies on psychological and relational notions. He stages chance and uncertainty, communication and exchange, intuition and the desire for discovery. He privileges self-management skills over expertise...

  •  The artist offers you a journey. The illusion settles... in a good mood!

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